Bastian Accounting for Photographers

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How I Use Dubsado & QuickBooks Payments To Save Time & Money

I am all for automation, it's the only way to get more done with the same amount of time.

For this reason, I love Dubsado it has helped me automate so many redundant processes in my business. Dubsado has helped me save time and become more organized. QuickBooks Online, however, is the backbone of my business. I am always looking for ways to attach QuickBooks Online to other apps to create some sort of super amazing automation machineā€¦(in my best evil scientist voice)

I am going to share with you how I utilize QuickBooks Payments and Dubsado in my business to save both time and money!

With this process, I am able to copy an invoice link from QuickBooks Online once and the rest of the process takes care of itself. No trying to reconcile merchant fees against actual deposits, you heard that right. QuickBooks Payments takes the fees out SEPARATELY!

As you can tell I am a huge QuickBooks Payments fan and I have come to realize, many small business owners don't even know it exists!Not only do I get lower rates (even lower than the QuickBooks Payments website!) but I can share those rates with all of you!!

Watch the video below where I walk you step by step through this awesome process.

Contact me if you are interested in sharing some lower rates or if you have any questions regarding this process.


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